A lot goes into the marketing and the listing of a real estate property. You are likely aware of this if you have ever attempted to sell your home. When you sell your home, there are numerous other properties on the market as well, forcing you to compete for views and hopefully for the sale. Home buyers work with real estate agents who will provide them with homes that match their housing requirements. With our current technology based world, most of these properties will be shared with potential home buyers over the internet. Home buyers will select the properties that they want to see based on the photographs in the online listing, making the quality of the home photographs very important to the sale of the property.
The type of photographing equipment that is used really does matter. Better equipment will produce better quality photos and will entire potential buyers to want to visit the property. More people who visit your home increases the chances of you selling your home quicker and at a price you want. In fact, in the $400,000 to $500,000 price range, 64% of homes with DSLR photos sold within 6 months, compared to 46% of homes with point and shoot photos. For those difficult to sell million dollar homes, 35% of professionally photographed homes sold in 6 months, compared to 30% of homes with point and shoot photos. Better equipment will often not only produce better quality photos, but will provide the photographer with enhancing properties, such as a photo culling service.
Improving the quality of the photographs also increases the value and worth in the mind of the customers. If the photographs show well, they are likely willing to pay more. For homes listed between $200,000 and $1 million, Redfin found that homes with listing photos taken with DSLR cameras sell for $3,400 to $11,200 more relative to their list price. At the high end of the spectrum, professionally photographed homes for more than $1 million sold at prices similar to those with amateur photographs. In these situations, it is likely that more care was taken during the photographing of the property and included services like photo culling service, more advanced photo styling and possibly even outsourced professional photo editing.
Real estate agents who do not have the appropriate equipment to take quality photographs may choose to outsource their photographing duties. They may not have the qualifications or the ability to produce a photo culling service or to do photo editing things, such as to remove the background in a home?s photo. They may also not have the graphic editing skills that may be necessary to enhance the photographs and make them appealing to potential customers. Things like photo cropping can really enhance and make a photograph look better. Additionally, sometimes unedited photographs do not do any justice to a home. The home may look spectacular and beautiful in person, but without the appropriate photographing equipment, this may not be portrayed to potential sellers. A photo culling service or advanced photo publishing service may be beneficial.
Real estate agents who choose to have advanced quality photographs by hiring an outsourced photographer should have many options. Photography is a popular field with many professional ones to choose from. Employment of photographers is projected to grow 3% from 2014 to 2024, slower than the average for all occupations. Salaried jobs may be more difficult to find as more companies contract with freelancers rather than hire their own photographers. Although the projection rates are low, there remain a steady number of contract photographers who are available for freelance positions.
A lot goes into the marketing, listing and selling of a home. The goal is to get as many views as soon as possible, ultimately selling the home for the highest price possible. Quality photographs help to market the home, getting more views and then enticing more potential buyers to visit the home. This often results in higher selling prices. A real estate agent who does not have the appropriate equipment can contract a professional photographer.
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