When you are wheeled into urgent care for whatever reason, chances are that the colors of the walls aren’t the first thing on your mind. Hospitals are stress-filled places and it can be hard to even focus on anything at all. However, the color of the walls may actually have a more important effect on your brain that you initially presume. Color psychology is a field of science that has been studied for several years, and hospital architects and designers utilize it every day to make the experience of the ER and urgent care as comfortable as possible.
This video illustrates the colors that hospitals utilize to send messages subconsciously to its patients.
Color has been proven to affect heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. These all factor into general patient healing and recovery. Colors like red and orange should be avoided in hospital settings, due to their fiery nature and tendency to heighten blood pressure. Green and blue, on the other hand, are more soothing and comforting to patients. Green has been proven to encourage stress relief, and brighter lights help patients get up in the morning and keep hopeful attitudes.